Saturday, November 3, 2012

Coding Guideline

Least Privilege Principle:
  • Put as much restriction as possible. 
  • Single Responsibility Principle - There should be only one reason to change a class. 
  • Class should always be responsible for maintaining its valid state. 
  • Class shouldn’t expose its internal implementation. 
  • Tell, don’t ask - Get the information you need from others, and then do your own calculations and make your own decisions. Don’t give up control to others! 
  • Main should be just the entry point of program, it shouldn't contain any program logic. 
  • Class containing main shouldn't contain any other fields or methods. 
  • Constructor should do minimal amount of work to make the object in valid state. 
  • Use factory or builder pattern when you need parameter validation. 
  • No public variables. 
  • Variables should be exposed only by properties. 
  • Don't reuse variables. 
  • Always try to minimize the scope of variables. 
  • A method should do only one thing and does it well.
  • Don't mutate parameters of a method; if you do, return that parameter and make it explicit. 
  • Comments that contradict the code are worse than no comments. 
  • Comments aren't replacement of documentation. 
  • Do not comment WHAT you are doing, but WHY you are doing it. 
  • Don't use static variables unless you have a compelling reason as static variables introduce global state. 
  • Think twice before introducing static methods. Does it belong to an object? 
  • Static methods shouldn't change any object's state. 
  • Regardless of state, static methods should give same output for same input set. 
  • Favor composition over inheritance. 
  • Don't use inheritance for adding extra functionality. 
  • Don't use inheritance for code reuse. 
  • Use inheritance only when there is an "IS A" relationship 
  • Always obey Liskov Substitution Principle. 
  • Code against interface as it reduces coupling, separates behavior from implementation 
  • Interface should be granular - an interface should only contain logically related set of behaviors. 
  • Don’t trust user input or external data. Always validate them. 
  • Exceptions are for exceptional scenarios, not for normal logical code flow. 
  • Don’t swallow exceptions without proper explanation 
  • Design by contract. 
  • If you assume anything make it explicit by using assert/contract. 
  • For external library adopt Defensive Coding. 
  • Use empty collection instead of null. 
  • Use list instead of array as list allows more flexibility unless there is a compelling reason. 
  • Premature optimization is root of all evil. 
  • Always optimize algorithm and data structures. 
  • Don’t micro-optimize as modern compilers are better in micro optimization. Micro optimization often leads to unreadable and buggy code. 
  • Optimize only when you need to. 
  • Don’t optimize without profiling your code or knowing the bottleneck. 
  • Code for humans, not for machine. As machine only understands 0 or 1. 
  • Avoid Deep Nesting. 
  • Whatever you do, be consistent. 
  • Limit line length. Shouldn’t be more than 120 characters. 
  • Refactor early, refactor quick. As more time elapses, refactoring becomes more hard and costly. 
  • Write the least amount of clearly understandable code as number of bugs increases with LOC. 

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